Earlier this month, I was very lucky to be contacted by Riverfront Times. Not only was I glad to receive a job after a break, but it was a cover! Nice! Then the AD dropped the bomb that the article would be national among Village Voice Media publications, and that was awesome!
They had an idea of what was wanted so I sent two quick layouts to choose from (I used a frame from another assignment's sketches as an indicator):
After layout approval, I worked up a tight sketch. While doing so, the AD ran the layout by the other art directors and wrote me with the feedback that it seemed very "farmer" with the pitchforks and such. I made it more urban by replacing them with pikes wrapped in barb wire. I thought it might be too much, but I guess not:
And I submitted two versions of final art. Initially, I was working the piece to emulate images on my website that the AD had mentioned. However, I really wanted to explore this as a two-color image, and he responded to that as the direction to move in:
After some discussion, we settled on this final version:

Many thanks to all the Village Voice Media ADs for such a great opportunity as well as the great exposure. I hope to work with each of them again in the future!
Enjoy the Day,