Major League Baseball: Reading Pitcher Body Language

Boy oh boy, am I excited to share this artwork with everyone! I assume it is cool to share this as it has been published, and I have tearsheets so here goes!

Back in September, I was very fortunate to get an assignment for the 2010 MLB World Series Program. I was super psyched to create this artwork, and I think it shows in the images! Along with the usual scorecard and player info, the program also features great articles for readers to enjoy. The subject of this particular article was pretty cool: how some players can "read" a pitcher's demeanor on the mound. In doing so, they can predict the next pitch to be thrown. With the article being interesting and fun to read, I knew I would have a blast doing sketches for two spots and a full page image. In speaking with Melanie the AD, I decided to pitch some images that could also work as a spread with minimal extra effort on my part. 

Spot and Spread sketches:

I gotta be honest and say I fell in love with the yelling back concept; I felt it captured the pitcher's body betraying him (a prominent aspect of the article). The crystal ball and stoplight were also favorites of mine as I thought they would challenge me in new ways. In the end, Melanie actually asked for a spot sketch as the full page illo and a spread sketch as a spot. Works for me!

Final Art (spread cropped because I like it that way):

I'm not going to lie: this project was awesome! I got to try a lot of new things in my work, I had a great art director, and I love the tearsheets. Thanks to Melanie for the commission as well as your hard work in getting me the sample issues! I truly appreciate it!

 In the midst of this project, the Phillies were doing well, and I was hoping they would make it to the World Series so that the city I lived in would also be a part of the event. Sadly, that was not the case. Hey, what can you do? I mean besides make like a bajillion errors in each game, that is. Eh, the Giants just wanted it more. Congrats, San Fran!

Enjoy the Day,